Weight loss that is sustainable with a method that supports overall health and vitality

Improve your health, feel amazing, lose weight and keep it off, all with our Ancestral Health Protocol.

Whole foods nutrition that reduces inflammation and restores metabolic health, combined with Functional Health Coaching to create sustainable habits around nutrition, sleep, movement, stress management, and mindfulness.


Lifestyle Evolution's Ancestral Health Protocol is our unique approach to improving health and creating predictable weight loss. We combine 1:1 support & feedback with small group coaching.

Our main program starts with a 6-month commitment, to ensure we have ample time to make long-lasting changes in your mindset and lifestyle habits. Many clients stay with us far longer, as they have big health goals (including 75+ lbs to lose).

Additionally, we offer a 3-month program for those who are focused on less than 30 lbs of weight loss, in combination with other health challenges.

From time to time, we also offer workshops and special webinars, some of which are available to the public and others which are for current and past clients only.

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” ~ Jim Rohn


Lifestyle Evolution has achieved life changing clinical and medical weight loss results and reversal of disease states for hundreds of clients that we have worked with. Our highly regarded Functional Health Program can do the same for you!

We are committed to a high touch approach where we over-deliver and provide you with the knowledge, skills, and ability to confidently transform and consistently maintain your weight loss and health transformation for life.

We encourage you to check out our Client Results page to see some amazing transformation photos, and to listen to our clients in their own words in our video testimonials.

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." ~ Socrates




Even though we are based in Denver, CO, we are fully virtual and have clients all over the country.

Every journey starts with an in-depth Clarity Call with our team, to learn more about each other. We will only invite you into our program if we truly feel you are a fit!

If you accept our invitation into the program, you can expect:

Customized nutrition plan from Dr. Steve

Ease with tracking - no counting calories/macros 

Daily feedback 

Weekly small group coaching

Daily support 


Sustainable results!

More details are available on the How It Works Page!

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." ~ Jim Ryun

Can our Ancestral Health Protocol work for YOU?

Does any of this sound like you?

  • Struggling to lose weight and keep it off - Lifestyle Evolution specializes in clinical weight loss and we have supported individuals with anywhere from 30 to 100s of lbs to lose. We have yet to meet a person who cannot lose the weight and keep it off, no matter what you have tried already!
  • Have tried medical interventions and/or weight loss programs - Even if all other therapeutic, surgical (i.e., roux-en-y gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, adjustable gastric banding), or dietary treatment interventions have been unsuccessful, we can still help you!
  • Have a chronic health condition - cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome (i.e., insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, obesity), gastrointestinal disorders (i.e., Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS/IBD), or autoimmune diseases (i.e., multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis).
  • Have very little energy - no matter how much you sleep or rest, or maybe sleeping well eludes you entirely.
  • Wake-up with aches and pains - and they often stay with you throughout the day.
  • Generally feel like crap all the time - and you may have been told by a doctor that "nothing is wrong with you."

If you are nodding your head as you read this list, then you have reached a critical place in your journey where something has to seriously change! And that change has to start with you and your readiness to really do this in a way that is sustainable and will shift everything about your lifestyle.

Our Ancestral Health Protocol fixes your metabolic health - the root cause of what is REALLY holding you back, and then the weight loss becomes one of MANY predictable outcomes.

You have not been failing all this time!

The system has been failing you, and it is time to get out of the vicious cycle you have been in, and step into a journey that focuses on your long-term health as the top priority.


We would love to talk to you! Contact Us

303.525.5848 - jeanna@lifestyle-evolution.com
lifestyle evolution